In need of a translation?
Our translation agency is the one you need!
A short history
ACSTraduction was founded by Anke SEYBERTH, qualified translator with a Master’s degree in translation and sworn translator since 1999.
All of the staff at the translation agency, whether they be project managers or translators and proofreaders, have a university degree and a Master’s degree in translation.
A project manager dedicated
to your project
We work with the best translators, selected from around the world for their professionalism, industry expertise and inquiring minds.
We value human relationships. To ensure the success of your projects, one contact person who speaks your language will be assigned to you over the long-term. He or she will be thoroughly familiar with what you do and will choose the best translator in your field for each of your projects.
We specialise in legal and technical translation in particular.
Do you expect a lot?
We expect more!
In addition to choosing the best translator, we embrace a work method that focuses on paying attention to our clients and understanding their needs, providing a high level professional expertise, and applying a rigorous quality assurance process. In order to do this, our translation agency uses innovative and cutting-edge tools that have been developed to make it easier for you to carry out your translation projects, such as our online shop for official document translations.
Our objective:
To deliver documents to you that are perfectly natural in the desired language and adapted to your target audience.
At ACSTraduction, we strive for and demand high-quality results.

Our values
These are the values that guide our actions and the relationships we foster with our clients and partners:
Quality customer service
Listening well is almost an answer.
Each one of your demands calls for a response and a tailored result, and this entails paying careful attention and developing a keen understanding of your needs.
Talent means nothing, while experience,
acquired in humility and with hard work, means everything.
Patrick Süskind
You are the focus of our concerns.
Our team works around the clock to provide you with a prompt response and quality results.
Quality can’t be defined, we recognize it when we see it.
Henry Mintzberg
Your satisfaction is our top priority. Our work is guided by the pursuit of excellence, which comes as a result of our rigorous quality system, at all levels.
One must be bold, or else be resigned to everything.
Your satisfaction is our top priority. Our work is guided by the pursuit of excellence, which comes as a result of our rigorous quality system, at all levels.
What our clients are saying about us
Quick turnaround times and quality customer service
DTP services
Our best translators in over 20 languages
Services provided according to the standard ISO 17100:2015